Nagari Mullya Abhiyan

The movement aims on cultivating moral values and civic sense in society. Along with the awareness campaigns , consistent persuasion of government authorities for better policy making is the core of the movement.

Jaladoot –

It's a initiative focused on WATER. Which includes all the aspects of water issues

@ 360 degree, not only Water conservation but also the recycling, contamination and other incidental issues. On broader terms, SDF aims to bridge the gap between 'Have One' & 'Should One' through quality HR i.e. Jaladoot on water issues

Sankalp - –

Sankalp means resolution. It's a resolution by SDF against 'Pollution'. Pollution is a global issue and due to rapid urbanisation in our Country.
We are facing serious consequences of the issues.

  • Preventing Pollution.
  • Awareness on Pollution.
  • Remedial actions on Pollution.

are the right steps to counter said issues, through awareness, technology, literature and ground initiative is the belief of SDF

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